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Our services

Full-service Shopify Agency

Shopify design, build, support & optimisation

We offer full-service Shopify website design, development and optimisation alongside unbeatable support and advisory.

From one-off projects to ongoing engagements, we work in partnership with the owners, managers and marketers of the UK's fastest-growing e-commerce businesses.

  • VIP Shopify support and advisory
  • New Shopify stores and re-designs
  • Shopify theme designs, upgrades and customisations
  • Shopify analytics, auditing and health checks

Arrange a free consultation with one of our Shopify experts today.

VIP Shopify support & advisory

Full-service maintenance & Shopify consultancy

Ongoing engagement

Your secret weapon! Ongoing VIP consultancy, support and task delivery with your Shopify store and priority access to Hallway’s services all under one retainer. Have us on hand to grow faster and smarter.

  • Expert Shopify design and development
  • Shopify Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)
  • Expert Shopify support & advisory
  • Strategic performance monitoring, insights and catch-ups

New Shopify stores

Launch a new Shopify store, optimised for success

One-off project

Have our team help you design and build a Shopify store that is compliant, accessible and optimised from the get-go. We’ll help you define requirements, avoid common mistakes and choose or customise the ideal theme for your project.

  • Research & planning
  • Strategy & UX design
  • Bespoke theme customisation & development
  • Technical integrations & apps

Shopify redesign

Redesign your existing Shopify store

One-off project

Whether you’re looking to roll out an updated brand, theme or design, or evolve the user journey of your existing Shopify site, our team can help you make it happen.

  • Audit your existing Shopify store design and features
  • Website UX / UI design and conversion optimisation
  • Review / reintegrate all existing apps and customisations
  • Scope and integration of new functionalities

Shopify customisation

Custom design & build for your Shopify store

One-off project

Not everything comes out of the box, exactly as you need it. Our expert Shopify developers can tailor your theme, features and functionality so it's fully customised for your ecommerce needs.

  • Shopify theme tweaks and adjustments
  • Custom Shopify apps, API integrations and functions
  • Bespoke layouts, sections and landing pages
  • UX optimisation and bug fixing

Shopify theme upgrades

Keep your Shopify theme up to date

Ongoing engagement One-off project

We can ensure your Shopify theme is regularly updated to the latest version to benefit from the latest security updates, platform feature compatibility, bug fixes, theme maintenance and improvements.

  • Migration to Online Store 2.0 functionality
  • Transfer all content and settings configuration
  • Re-integration and testing of all custom code and apps
  • Testing and deployment of updated Shopify theme

Migration to Shopify

Give your store a fresh start on Shopify

One-off project

Moving to Shopify might seem challenging, but it can also be really transformative. With our technical expertise and business know-how, we can guide your team through the migration process from your current platform to Shopify.

  • Platform & UX strategy
  • SEO & data migration
  • Theme design & configuration
  • Training & analytics

Shopify tracking data & analytics

Better understand your visitors and customers

Ongoing engagement One-off project

The success of your online store depends on understanding visitor behaviour. We can help you identify where they're coming from, what they're doing, when and how they become customers, and whether they come back to buy again.

  • Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console / SEO analytics
  • Shopify Analytics
  • Data dashboarding / data warehouse pipelining

Shopify auditing & health checks

Identify technical issues & optimisation opportunities

Ongoing engagement One-off project

Like an MOT for your Shopify store, we conduct periodic website and analytics audits to identify conversion bottlenecks, data tracking issues and technical bugs to ensure nothing stops visitors turning into customers.

  • Website health check, browser testing and site speed analysis
  • Shopify and Google Analytics tracking data review
  • Google Search Console review
  • Klaviyo best practice auditing

Technology and tools that convert

We are experienced with both Shopify and Shopify Plus, and know the best apps and partners to complete your store.

Tech Logo Shopify Partner Tech Logo Looker Tech Logo Hotjar Tech Logo Klaviyo Tech Logo Recharge Tech Logo Trustpilot Tech Logo Spark Layer Tech Logo Rebuy Tech Logo Loyalty Lion

Tailored solutions

We pick the highest-impact activities for each project – adapting our services to meet your objectives.


Usability Testing

Customer Interviews


Device Testing

Polls & Surveys

Website Analytics

Data Dashboarding

Site Speed Audit

UI/UX Design & Build


A/B Testing

Get the ball rolling

Hear more about what we can do for you: