Freelancer love

Why digital agencies love freelancers

We might be an independent agency but we pack a big punch when it comes to talent, often rivalling the larger digital agencies in London on skill and expertise. In fact, when it comes to online marketing and complex web design, we're often called in to support the big guys albeit secretly. So, how do we do it without spreading ourselves too thin?

Our knowledge and skills are everything to us and our clients. Without the specialist expertise we've found, employed, honed and retained at Hallway, we'd be nothing. But all those skills aren't just held by our in-house team; we have an incredible pool of freelancers at our disposal too. Most agencies do. It's standard practice in the agency world to use freelancers so why do so many feel the need to keep it a secret? Do clients really mind and if so, why?

We love our freelancers just as much as our staff. We think you should too and here's why...

Freelancers bring specialist skills

The work we do requires real expertise. Our freelancers bring specialist knowledge as a support to our in-house team. When all those skills are combined, our clients get the very best people on the job at every stage of that job. From copywriting and web design to web development and SEO, having a team who can be selected to match the job perfectly will always deliver the best result.

Freelancers have been around the block

The very nature of freelancing means that our remote workers get great exposure to a range of different projects outside of our portfolio. They've studied different specialisms, at different places, at different times, and have worked with the latest technology around, here and abroad, for companies large and small. They bring a fresh and invaluable perspective every time.

Freelancers are focused on getting the job done

When we bring a freelancer in on a job, they know exactly what has to be done and they do it. They aren't distracted by anything other than the job in-hand. There is always a clear brief, timescale and cost. When they complete a project, they get paid and we deliver. The process is perfectly efficient which is important to our agency and to our freelancers.

Freelancers enable us to remain nimble

Because our freelancers only work on projects as required, we are able to flex our capacity in line with demand. We can grow our team easily whenever necessary for large projects or jobs that require additional resource, specialist skill or faster turnaround.

Freelancers are loyal

Our freelancers are loyal. They may not be in the office every day but they've worked with us and supported our agency for years. We care about them and they care about us. They know our culture because they're part of it and they know they're highly valued at Hallway. 

Interested in hearing more about how we work? Get to know us further by reading our About page or check out our Careers opportunities.